(Pray for) Zimbabwe

Peoples: 44 (7% unreached) All peoples
Unreached Peoples Prayer Card

Answer to Prayer
The Church has grown in numbers and passion amidst great trials, even as the country disintegrates all around. The state failed the population, and while many find refuge in spirituality and faith, churches also work hard to meet the many desperate physical and social needs they encounter.
Challenge for Prayer
Zimbabwe’s desperate situation would be farcical were it not so tragic. Suffering has reached unprecedented levels; intransigent misrule and deluded finger-pointing have prevented solution finding. State-endorsed violence and even murder and frequent human rights violations target members of non-ZANU-PF parties, the media and social activists. Pray for Zimbabwe’s leadership, that God might bring humility and a servant attitude or else put leaders in place who will govern for the sake of the people and for the restoration of the nation.


Anonymous said...

Zimbabwe. A place that's an example of what happens when evil men rule: mis-rule. Violence, murder, etc. Men's hearts have to change. We can pray, we should pray because it seems like that's all some of us can do in such a situation. God loves all of his children everywhere, but men's hearts have to turn to Him. It sounds like the humble of Zimbabwe do and that gives me some comfort. Yes, it is the leadership that needs humility. I will pray for this.
Ann Best, Memoir Author

Petra said...

Congratulations, you've finished the A2Z challenge. Time for a break? Blessings!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Trevor, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

Gregg Metcalf said...

Great way Brother to enhance the challenge! Wonderful job!

Talei said...

Congrats on completing the A to Z challenge! Twas a hard slog but rewarding, great to meet so many new blogging friends. And I love the theme of your posts.

I have an award for you at my blog, if you have a few minutes, do pop over.

Cheers! ;-)