Timeless Truth
I was reading over at "Pyros" an article entitled "How a Toned-Down Gospel Undermines Holiness". It was written originally by John Newton of "Amazing Grace" fame and yet it is so relevent to today...funny how that always seems to be the case...there really is "nothing new under the sun." That said, here's a little sample:
"The Gospel is a wise and gracious dispensation, equally suited to the necessities of man and to the perfections of God. It proclaims relief to the miserable, and excludes none but those who exclude themselves. It convinces a sinner that he is unworthy of the smallest mercy, at the same time that it gives him a confidence to expect the greatest. It cuts off all pretence of glorying in the flesh, but it enables a guilty sinner to glory in God. To them that have no might, it increases strength; it gives eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame; subdues the enmity of the heart, shows the nature of sin, the spirituality and sanction of the law with the fullest evidence; and, by exhibiting Jesus as made of God, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption to all who believe, it makes obedience practicable, easy, and delightful."
You can read the rest of it here; the last paragraph is especially delightful.
Love in the Truth
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