Something Better...

Let's say I went to Bible school to be trained for ministry. Let's say after my studies a church asked me to be their pastor. After all, I had been preaching their during my time at school. Let's say, I declined because I didn't feel it was "God's will" because...

Let's say I wanted to be an evangelist - in the big city of course - because I feel that's "God's will" for me. Let's say after a short time I change my mind because now I feel it's not "God's will" because...

Let's say there is a great mission organization that helps small rural churches find missionary pastors. Let's say I decide to apply because that's "God's will" for me. Let's say I raise support from a bunch of people, go for training, and move to my new church home. Let's say just after a year, I realize this isn't "God's will" for me because...

Let's say the same school that trained me to be a pastor has offered me a job. So...I leave another church, and a mission because I feel this is "God's will" for me. is until I find out what I want to do which of course will be "God's will" least until something better comes along...

Let's say...pathetic

Love in the Truth.