Voddie Baucham has a new book coming out very soon! Based on the title and the fact that I have two daughters, it looks like another must have. I have nearly finished his previous book Family Driven Faith
- which is excellent - so I am confident that this will be well worth purchasing. Here is an excerpt from the publisher:
Does it matter what kind of man our daughters marry? If so, how are we preparing them to choose the right kind of man? For those of us with sons, what are we doing to shape them into the kinds of men godly young women should be seeking?
In What He Must Be . . . If He Wants to Marry My Daughter, Voddie Baucham helps young women realize their dependence upon God and gain a better understanding of what they should be looking for. This persuasive, down-to-earth apologetic of biblical manhood gives practical, biblical advice for the whole family:
•Explores the dating / courtship question
•Helps parents understand their role in courtship
•Guides the discussion between parents and their children
•Provides a roadmap for raising sons who will make good husbands
In What He Must Be . . . If He Wants to Marry My Daughter, Voddie Baucham helps young women realize their dependence upon God and gain a better understanding of what they should be looking for. This persuasive, down-to-earth apologetic of biblical manhood gives practical, biblical advice for the whole family:
•Explores the dating / courtship question
•Helps parents understand their role in courtship
•Guides the discussion between parents and their children
•Provides a roadmap for raising sons who will make good husbands
We must not settle for less than what he must be!
Love in the Truth.
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