Every once in a while a CD comes along that just makes you...well...worship. The songs and the message are so good that you can almost feel them...if that makes any sense at all. For the music lovers out there - you know what I mean! But more than that, you are drawn closer to God. That's the mark of great music to me. It's purpose is to bring you so close to God in worship that the music itself fades and your joy in the moment is CHRIST and His glorious gospel.
Well, "Afloat", by Caleb & Sol does just that! The music is original, and the lyrics are God-honoring. In a world of "been there - done that - bought the t-shirt" redundant dribble that exists in "Christian" music, "Afloat" doesn't sink (pardon the pun); it rises above. I literally could go on and on about every song...but I won't! I will simply tell you that you can get the entire CD at no cost at noisetrade. You really can't beat that! If you do like it - and you will - can I suggest that you support the artist by going to itunes to buy it. Even though you can get it for free, this one is definitely worth the 10 bucks!
If you still need some help deciding, here's a sample to view:
And this is my favourite for one reason...it's the Gospel!
In MHO, this is a must have. As I said earlier, it leads me to worship. And that is the highest endorsement I could give.
Love in the Truth.