I've been wanting to read this book for quite some time and thanks to a good friend lending me his copy I finally got around to it. That same friend has graciously ordered me my own copy. I cannot recommend this book enough. If you spend any time at all in the pulpit, this is a must read. As is usually the case with the doctor, he delivers the goods as only he can. In reading, I felt as if Lloyd-Jones was preaching to me. The chapter "Calling for Decisions" alone is worth the price of the whole. Once my own copy arrives, I look forward to marking it up and reading it again and again.
The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment
If you're familiar with Challies at all you have more than likely heard about his book. If you're not even aware of who Tim Challies is then two things are clear:
- You don't blog
- You don't read blogs
What I mean by the "but" is that it seemed to lack well Challies. I guess that I am so used to reading his blog and have grown accustomed to a certain style of writing - I feel that I know the blogging Tim - well I do know him, but you know what I mean, I hope. That said, I know that was not the intent of the book.
As for the book, it was excellent. So good in fact, I have made a plea for everyone in my congregation to read it. It is a message that is so needed in the Church today. If you or your people read this book you and they will be better equipped to spot error when it comes along. This is thoroughly biblical and yet practical. If you are a follower of Christ - read this book!
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